Join a HomeAid Committee
Committee volunteer members play a key role in the development of HomeAid-built housing projects, planning of HomeAid campaigns and events, upkeep of HomeAid-owned housing projects, and oversight of finances.
Meeting days and time commitments vary from committee to committee. Each committee is led by one HomeAid staff person and one HomeAid Executive Committee Board member.
Housing Development Committee
The Housing Development Committee serves as the front entry for all HomeAid OCLA housing development projects. The committee reviews each project and weighs its merits against how well it fits HomeAid’s mission and vision as well as what we have in the existing pipeline. The Housing Development Committee is also charged with cultivating Developers (Builder Captains), Consultants, and Trade Partners for current and future opportunities.
This committee meets every other month on Zoom.
Asset Management Committee
The purpose of the Asset Management Committee is to discuss and make decisions regarding the operations for the HomeAid Family CareCenter and to establish policies and procedures for future acquisitions. Areas to be evaluated include, but are not limited to, remaining capital campaign fundraising for the Family CareCenter and future capital campaign efforts, decreasing operational costs, ongoing property maintenance, community impact, and volunteer and community engagement.
This committee is currently not meeting on a regular basis.
Community Engagement Committee
The Community Engagement Committee is responsible for the community engagement and service side of HomeAid OCLA as it oversees all of the community outreach and volunteer activities (Essentials Diaper Drive & Thanksgiving Meal Drive, CareKits, HomeAid Care Days, Homeless Awareness Month, etc.) The committee oversees new activities and events as related to community engagement goals as well as monitoring and assessing existing service initiatives and community outreach volunteer activities to ensure goals are achieved.
This committee meets every other month on Zoom
The Essentials Diaper Drive Sub-Committee meets monthly January – June
Resource Development Committee
The Resource Development (Fundraising) Committee is responsible for overseeing the organization’s fundraising, specifically, the fundraising done by the board. Responsibilities include establishing a fundraising plan that incorporates major giving, special events, corporate giving and grants; collaborating with staff on the AFE and taking the lead for certain outreach initiatives; supporting staff fundraising strategies; acting as a liaison to certain 3rd party events; monitoring fundraising to ensure ethical practices are in place and cost-effective.
This committee meets quarterly on Zoom.
Marketing & Communications Committee
The Marketing & Communications Committee is responsible for the overall marketing and communications for the organization. This committee works in tandem with the Advocacy Committee and all special and service related events and activities to ensure the HomeAid brand and messaging is consistent throughout.
This committee meets quarterly on Zoom.
Education Committee
The Education Committee monitors local news and local real estate developments that may involve challenges. Committee members work with staff to establish preliminary positions and strategies, then advance potential advocacy actions to the full board for consideration.
This committee meets quarterly on Zoom.
Finance Committee
The role of the Finance Committee is primarily to provide financial oversight for the organization. Area of responsibility include budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.
This committee meets quarterly on Zoom.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the work of the auditor. Responsibilities include recruitment and selection of the auditor; reviewing the draft audit and 990 as presented by the auditor; presenting the audit report to the full board of directors (if not done by the auditor); reviewing the management recommendation letter (SAD112) from the auditor and ensure follow up on any issues mentioned.
This committee meets annually in July/August/September on Zoom.